30 x 30 Magic Squares inside a Magic Square

30x30 Magic Squares inside a Magic Square

The above is a 30 x 30 Magic Squares inside a Magic Square

This is a special construction of a Magic Square wherein we start with a small Magic Square (centermost one in the figure) and added rows and columns around it, ensuring that we have a Magic Square at each stage. This Magic Square has been color-coded to make the Magic Squares clearer.

From the center Yellow coloured is a 4 x 4 Magic square with a total of 1802 in all vertical, Horizontal and in both diagonals. When combininng with the blue coloured sqauare,  that 6 x 6  will give a totl of 2703.  Further it will expand to 8 x 8 , 10 x 10 etc… and finally it will become 30 x 30 with a grand total of 13515.

I have done this Magic squares inside the magic square from 5 x 5,     6 x 6, 7 x 7, …….198 x 198, 199 x 199 and 200 x 200.  In the 200 x 200 Magic squares inside a magic square all the numbers from 1 to 40,000 are used and the row total will be 4,00,00,100.  Also I am  planning to do it upto 1500 x 1500. 

Definitely, it is a gift given to me by Almighty.  I thank the Almighty for giving me the idea, guided me to work, and helped me to complete it with much difficulties. 

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