Monthly Archives: April 2022

Srinivasa Ramanujan’s 102nd Remembrance Day 26-4-2022

Honoring the Great Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan on his 102nd Remembrance day — An Unique Puzzle by

This is a Unique Puzzle that makes magic squares for his date of Birth on 22-12-1887 and for his 102nd Remembarance day, today(26-4-2022)

On Left side we are having a brown color magic square for 22-12-1887 giving a total of 139 in all vertical, Horizontal and both diagonals.

On the right side we are having a light green color magic square for 26-4-2022 giving a total of 174 in all vertical, Horizontal and both diagonals.

And the balance squares are filled with compensatory numbers.

The final form is a 9 x 9 Magic square is giving a total of 313 in all vertical, Horizontal and both diagonals.

How to make the Number puzzle

Some of my friends asked about the procedure for doing the above puuzzle.

Just look into the pattern closely for two or three times.

All yellow numbers are written on clockwise and the blue squares are filled with anti clockwise.

Now check the total of two blue squares and in between yellow square.

Adjust some the numbers in the begining to come at the total correctly.


Now let the required total be 2025.

Deduct 369 from the 2025, you will get 1656

Since the total 369 is the addition of 3 squares, divide 1656 by 3, you will get 552.

Now add 552 in all the squares. the total of two blue squares and in between yellow square. you will get 2025

The format 1 to 210 will give a total of 369 and you have added 3 x 552, you will get 369 + 1656 = 2025.